Connecting to Nature, Connecting to Self
3, 10, 17, & 24 April 2021
2pm - 4pm
Costs: SGD 300
Early bird fee: SGD 250 (Register and pay before 20 March, 2021)
This course is an exploration of different qualities of Nature that can help us deepen and strengthen our own qualities, and support us in daily life.
1. Grounding & Centering
2. Happy Exploring Nature, Happy Living
3. Connection to Self, Connection to the World
This course is an exploration of different qualities of Nature that can help us deepen and strengthen our own qualities, and support us in daily life.
Course Outline
1. Grounding & Centering
These relate to stability, stillness, being in the present, connecting with one’s spiritual heart, contentment & balance, and empathy.
2. Happy Exploring Nature, Happy Living
This relates to the joy of being, abundance and generosity, the joy and spontaneity of the inner child, the power of remembrance and compassion
3. Connection to Self, Connection to the World
Focus will be on channelling and sending energy to others, adaptability, gentleness, willpower & intention, and being a witness to yourself.
Course Structure
- Weekly live Zoom meeting and sharing. One topic per week, consisting of Claire’s teaching and experiential exercises.
- Weekly home exercise to be practiced during the week between sessions
- Final session is for summarizing, discussion, and deep sharing.
Course pre-requisite
Only for alumnus of Energy of Trees Workshops taught by Claire. Please join our newsletter to be informed of future events for beginners.
Kindly note: This course will only run if the minimum participant number is 10.